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Kids Meal “Fun Ride”">
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Kids Meal “Fun Ride”

May 6, 2013
Kids Meal “Fun Ride”

Tasked with leading the 3D team in creating a whimsical Kids Meal funland. The idea was using the Burger King Kids Meal box as a rollercoaster cart that immersed you into all the word games and activities depicted on the actual box. Children would have so much fun with their meal they’d feel they were actually experiencing it live. The project lasted about 1.5 to 2 months from start to finish.

  • Scene Lighting and shading
  • Scene Layouts
  • Modeled the Kids Meal box and Food inside (milk and fries)
  • Modeled the Hasbro game pieces
  • Created a rig to animate the characters and a facial expressions
  • Created a rig for the Kids Meal box to be able to fold up and be animateable
  • Rigged all the toy animals and foldable objects
||| applications used |||
  • 3D Studio Max
  • Vray

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